Going for Gold Business Breakfast: Buying and Eating Better

By Ramona Andrews

How can changes to the food choices your business makes help Bristol become a Gold Sustainable Food City, and bring benefits to staff, your business, and the city? Join us to find out at the latest Going for Gold Business Breakfast.

At the third in a series of Going for Gold Business Breakfasts, you can find out more about the Going for Gold ambition and how your organisation can get involved.

This event will focus on Buying and Eating Better, and how the food choices businesses make can transform workplaces, the environment and the wider food system.

Even small organisations have the potential to positively influence staff, customers or clients, benefit local producers, improve the health of its workforce and reduce its carbon footprint, through changing its relationship with food. And when combined with the efforts of many other organisations, this can have a significant and lasting impact.

Breakfast will be provided by Fresh Range, Essential Trading and Wogan Coffee. Places are limited so reserve your spot soon!

Join the conversation

So, what change do you want to see happen that will transform food in Bristol by 2030? Do you already have an idea for how Bristol can make this happen? Join the conversation now.

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